sreda, 21. julij 2010

Dorothea LANGE: Migrant Mother

Dorothea Lange: Migrant Mother, 1936

Dorothea Lange
Dorothea Lange (Youtube)
Dorothea Lange (Youtube)
Dorothea Lange (Wikipedia)
Dorothea Lange (Artcyclopedia)
Dorothea Lange (Ocaiw)

While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see. - Dorothea Lange

Herb RITTS: Tatjana Veiled Head

Herb Ritts: Tatjana Veiled Head, Tight View, Joshua Tree, 1988

Herb Ritts
Herb Ritts (Youtube)
Herb Ritts (Youtube)
Herb Ritts (Youtube)
Herb Ritts (Wikipedia)
Herb Ritts (Good Reads)
Herb Ritts (Artcyclopedia)

I think a lot of the time these days people are so concerned about having the right camera and the right film and the right lenses and all the special effects that go along with it, even the computer, that they're missing the key element. - Herb Ritts

Paul STRAND: Blind

Paul Strand: Blind, 1916

Paul Strand (Youtube)
Paul Strand (Wikipedia)
Paul Strand (Getty)
Paul Strand (Slate)

It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness. - Paul Strand

Ilse BING: Self-Portrait with Leica

Ilse Bing: Self-Portrait with Leica, 1931

Ilse Bing (Youtube)
Ilse Bing (Vam)
Ilse Bing (Wikipedia)
Ilse Bing (Independent)
Ilse Bing (Jwa)

Seydou KEITA: A Working Man And His Adorable Twins

Seydou Keita: A Working Man And His Adorable Twins, 1950'

Seydou Keita (New York Times)
Seydou Keita (Wikipedia)
Seydou Keita (Artcyclopedia)
Seydou Keita (African Imagery)
Seydou Keita (Find Articles)

Hiroh KIKAI: A performer of butoh dance

Hiroh Kikai: A performer of butoh dance (Persona/Asakusa Portraits), 2001, 14 x 14 inches/ 16 x 20 inches Gelatin Silver Print

Hiroh Kikai (Lens Culture)
Hiroh Kikai (Wikipedia)
Hiroh Kikai (Eye Curious)
Hiroh Kikai (Icp)

Butoh (Youtube)
Butoh (Youtube)
Butoh (Wikipedia)

Gary HEERY: Madonna

Gary Heery: Madonna, 1983

Gary Heery
Gary Heery (City of Sydney)
Gary Heery (Moffitt Moffitt)
Gary Heery (Youtube)

Madonna (Crazy Motion)

PLATON: Vladimir Putin

Platon: Vladimir Putin, 2007

Platon (Youtube)
Platon (Strobist)
Platon (Wikipedia)
Platon (Guardian)
Platon (Time)
Platon (Huffington Post)
Platon (Time)

Putin (Wikipedia)
Putin (BBC)

Man RAY: Le Violon d'Ingres

Man Ray: Le Violon d'Ingres (model Kiki), 1924

Man Ray
Man Ray (Getty)
Man Ray (Youtube)
Man Ray (Google)
Man Ray (Wikipedia)