sreda, 27. oktober 2010

Jeff WALL: Double Self-portrait

Jeff Wall: Double Self-portrait, 1979

The spontaneous is the most beautiful thing that can appear in a picture, but nothing in art appears less spontaneously than that. - Jeff Wall

Jeff Wall (Guardian)
Jeff Wall (Moma)
Jeff Wall (Tfaoi)
Jeff Wall (Youtube)
Jeff Wall (New York Times)
Jeff Wall (Wikipedia)
Jeff Wall (Time)
Jeff Wall (Artcyclopedia)

Alberto GIACOMETTI: Portrait De Caroline

Alberto Giacometti: Portrait De Caroline

"All I can do will only ever be a faint image of what I see and my success will always be less than my failure or perhaps equal to the failure." Alberto Giacometti

Alberto Giacometti (Youtube)
Alberto Giacometti (Youtube)
Alberto Giacometti (Wikipedia)
Alberto Giacometti (Britannica)
Alberto Giacometti (Artcyclopedia)
Alberto Giacometti (Guggenheim Collection)

Ansel ADAMS: Selfportrait

Ansel Adams: Selfportrait

"It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment." - Ansel Adams

"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." - Ansel Adams

"A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into." - Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams (Youtube)
Ansel Adams (Vimeo)
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams (Wikipedia)
Ansel Adams (Artcyclopedia)

Paul GAUGUIN: Self-portrait

Paul Gauguin: Self-portrait, 1889, oil on canvas, 79x51 cm

"There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite." - Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin (Youtube)
Paul Gauguin
Paul Gauguin (Abc Gallery)
Paul Gauguin (Wikipedia)
Paul Gauguin (Guardian)

Mary CASSATT: Young Woman Sewing in a Garden

Mary Cassatt: Young Woman Sewing in a Garden, 1886

American women have been spoiled, treated and indulged like children; they must wake up to their duties. - Mary Cassatt

Mary Cassatt (Youtube)
Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt (Wikipedia)
Mary Cassatt (Great Woman)
Mary Cassatt (Abc Gallery)
Mary Cassatt (Met Museum)
Mary Cassatt (Fiber Fantasies)