ponedeljek, 28. marec 2011

Terry RICHARDSON: Self-Portrait

Terry Richardson: Self-Portrait, ca. 2000

"You can’t give your photograph soul with technique. I want my photos to be fresh and urgent. A good photograph should be a call to arms. It should say, ‘Fucking now. The time is ripe. Come on.’ - Terry Richardson

"Richardson, like any predator, is a powerful individual who manipulates and victimizes the weak. When they speak out against him, people try to silence them." - Jezebel

Terry Richardson (Jezebel)
Terry Richardson (The Guardian)
Terry Richardson (The New York Observer)

Terry Richardson (Wikipedia)
Terry Richardson (Terry's Diary)
Terry Richardson (Fuck Yeah Terry Richardson)
Terry Richardson (ei8photography)
Terry Richardson (Models.com)
Terry Richardson (Vibe)

sreda, 23. marec 2011

nedelja, 20. marec 2011

William KLEIN: Boy Pointing Gun

William Klein: Boy Pointing Gun, 1954-55

"Be yourself. I much prefer seeing something, even it is clumsy, that doesn't look like somebody else's work." - William Klein

William Klein (YouTube)
William Klein (Masters Of Photography)
William Klein (Hasselblad Foundation)
William Klein (Museum of Contemporary Photography)
William Klein (Wikipedia)

sreda, 16. marec 2011

Ellen VON UNWERTH: Monica Bellucci

Ellen von Unwerth: Monica Bellucci

"Technique undoubtedly helps make photography magical, but I prefer to work with atmosphere. I think that the obsession with technique is a male thing. Boy's toys. They love playing... but once you've perfected something you have to start searching for a new toy. I would rather search for a new model or location." - Ellen von Unwerth

Ellen von Unwerth (Wikipedia)
Ellen von Unwerth (YouTube)
Ellen von Unwerth (Models.com)

sreda, 2. marec 2011

Alfred EISENSTAEDT: George Bernard Shaw

Alfred Eisenstaedt: George Bernard Shaw, 1932

"In 1932, I traveled to London hoping to photograph George Bernard Shaw. People told me he was very difficult and inaccessible, but I was also told that he was a vegetarian. So I bought a bunch of bananas and sent these, together with a portfolio of my photographs, to his home at Whitehall Court. Two days later I was asked to visit him. He looked through my photographs and said, 'You don't have to make me pose, I am a photographer myself." - Alfred Eisenstaedt

Alfred Eisenstaedt (Wikipedia)
Alfred Eisenstaedt (Digital Journalist)
Alfred Eisenstaedt (The New Yorker)
Alfred Eisenstaedt (YouTube)
Alfred Eisenstaedt (YouTube)
Alfred Eisenstaedt (Photographers Gallery)

George Bernard Shaw (Nobelprize.org)