četrtek, 30. junij 2011
Jane BOWN: Orson Welles
Jane Bown: Orson Welles, 1951
"The last time I changed my camera was 50 years ago. All I need is a good face and the right light." - Jane Bown
Jane Bown (The Guardian)
Jane Bown (The Guardian)
Jane Bown (Wikipedia)
Jane Bown (BBC)
Jane Bown (Top Foto)
Jane Bown (The Online Photographer)
Jane Bown (DPTips)
torek, 28. junij 2011
Michael CHILDERS: David Hockney At Rising Glen
Michael Childers: David Hockney At Rising Glen, 1978
Michael Childers
Michael Childers (The Free Library)
nedelja, 26. junij 2011
Leonard BASKIN: William Blake
Leonard Baskin: William Blake, 1962
»Art is man's distinctly human way of fighting death.« - Leonard Baskin
»The art schools... you get young kids doing the most vile and meaningless crap. I think they believe every bit of it.« - Leonard Baskin
»I think the leaders inevitably express the people they are leading.« - Leonard Baskin
Leonard Baskin
Leonard Baskin
Leonard Baskin (YouTube)
Leonard Baskin (Wikipedia)
Leonard Baskin (ArtCyclopedia)
petek, 24. junij 2011
William GEDNEY: Little Boy
William Gedney: Little Boy Taking A Bite Of Food At The Table, Leatherwood, Kentucky, 1972
William Gedney (Wikipedia)
William Gedney (Duke University)
četrtek, 23. junij 2011
Roger BALLEN: Portrait Of Sleeping Girl
Roger Ballen: Portrait Of Sleeping Girl, 1999
Roger Ballen
Roger Ballen (Vimeo)
Roger Ballen (Wikipedia)
Roger Ballen (Lens Culture)
Roger Ballen (Photography Now)
sreda, 22. junij 2011
Stanley SPENCER: Self Portrait with Patricia Preece
Stanley Spencer: Self Portrait with Patricia Preece, 1937
Stanley Spencer
Stanley Spencer (Wikipedia)
Stanley Spencer (ArtCyclopedia)
Stanley Spencer (The Guardian)
Stanley Spencer (YouTube)
torek, 21. junij 2011
ponedeljek, 20. junij 2011
Chuck CLOSE: Self-Portrait
Chuck Close: Self-Portrait, 2000
Chuck Close
Chuck Close (YouTube)
Chuck Close
Chuck Close (Wikipedia)
nedelja, 19. junij 2011
nedelja, 12. junij 2011
sobota, 11. junij 2011
Mili GJON: Pablo Picasso Draws A Centaur
Mili Gjon: Pablo Picasso Draws A Centaur, 1949
Mili Gjon (YouTube)
Mili Gjon (Life)
Mili Gjon (Wikipedia)
Mili Gjon (Obvious)
Mili Gjon (Kosova Art Gallery)
Mili Gjon (DPreview)
petek, 10. junij 2011
Albert WATSON: Sinead O'Connor
Albert Watson: Sinead O'Connor, 1992
Albert Watson
Albert Watson (YouTube)
Albert Watson (Wikipedia)
Albert Watson (Photo Icon)
Albert Watson (Vimeo)
Albert Watson (Photo Slaves)
četrtek, 9. junij 2011
Stanley KUBRICK: Self-Portrait
Stanley Kubrick: Self-Portrait, 1949
»Perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but the best thing that young filmmakers should do is to get hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all.« - Stanley Kubrick
»I never learned anything at all in school and didn't read a book for pleasure until I was 19 years old.« - Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick (IMDb)
Stanley Kubrick (Wikipedia)
Stanley Kubrick (YouTube)
Stanley Kubrick (Vimeo)
Stanley Kubrick (The Guardian)
Stanley Kubrick (Kubrick Films)
Stanley Kubrick
sreda, 8. junij 2011
torek, 7. junij 2011
ponedeljek, 6. junij 2011
nedelja, 5. junij 2011
petek, 3. junij 2011
Leo FUCHS: Shirley MacLaine With Her Daughter Sachi
Leo Fuchs: Shirley MacLaine With Her Daughter Sachi While Visiting Paris, 1962
Leo Fuchs
Leo Fuchs
Leo Fuchs (Wikipedia)
četrtek, 2. junij 2011
Edmund KESTING: Self-Portrait As A Painter
Edmund Kesting: Self-Portrait As Painter, 1930
Edmund Kesting (Luminous Lint)
Edmund Kesting (YouTube)
Edmund Kesting (Wikipedia - auf deutsch)
sreda, 1. junij 2011
Willem DE KOONING: Woman V
Willem De Kooning: Woman V 1952/53
"I make pictures and someone comes in and calls it art." - Willem de Kooning
"In art, one idea is as good as another. If one takes the idea of trembling, for instance, all of a sudden most art starts to tremble. Michelangelo starts to tremble. El Greco starts to tremble. All the Impressionists start to tremble. - Willem de Kooning
Willem De Kooning (Wikipedia)
Willem De Kooning (YouTube)
Willem De Kooning (The New York Times)
Willem De Kooning (MoMA)
Willem De Kooning (The Guardian)
Willem De Kooning
Willem De Kooning (Jessie Evans)
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